Letter to Stephen Harper Prime Minister Government of Canada and Premier Christy Clark

Letter sent earlier today…

Re: Further Proof of MNBC Election Illegal Acts
Dear Premier Clark and Prime Minister Harper,

The BC Mètis Federation wrote on July 16th to your offices to bring further information about the ongoing and continuing issues created by the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC). Neither government has effectively responded despite the very serious issue we raised regarding the current MNBC General Election process. In the latest MNBC fiasco their board and management has further carried out illegal electoral injustices, a claim we presented to your offices in July.

I have attached a letter from one of the affiliated communities (Cowichan Valley Mètis Nation – CVMN) who has members from Duncan, BC and area. They are one of the MNBC Métis Chartered Communities and their letter further confirms the serious allegations of MNBC mismanagement of their election and breach of their own laws. This further evidence reveals the absolutely misconduct by the MNBC board and their management. The BC Métis Federation continues to be completely shocked by the lack of real action from governments while the appearance of publicly supporting MNBC as the provincial representative despite such injustice carried out almost on a daily basis to their members and affiliated communities. Fundamentally, ethically, legally, and morally the MNBC electoral actions are wrong. There is no excuse acceptable to consider this upcoming election as valid or proper because MNBC had rules to follow but were not, the letter from CVMN certainly further adds evidence to support this. The fact that it appears governments turn a blind eye to what is a public shame is not excusable. By standing back and supporting MNBC in a one window approach for representation governments are in effect supporting the notion that Metis deserve less than effective, ethical, and functional governance as MNBC leaders and management can do whatever they want with no consequences. Remember MNBC has established laws that were to protect from these issues, instead today democracy is thrown aside and rules can be broken regardless. The BC Mètis Federation is confident that if such electoral tampering actions were attempted in any provincial of federal election there would be jail time, individuals required to report before inquiries, and media would be aggressively covering such a story. This is just plain wrong and the results of an ineffective and illegal MNBC election will show themselves in the end.

Métis people in British Columbia deserve much better than this and the inaction by governments remains shocking to a growing number of Métis people throughout BC. The CVMN letter proves MNBC has not followed their process.

Thank you,
Keith Henry, President
British Columbia Métis Federation
Suite 300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC
V5R 5W2

cc Peter Cunningham, Assistant Deputy Minister, Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
Honourable Mary Polak, Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
Honourable John Duncan, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Honourable Scott Fraser, Critic for Aboriginal Relations
Honourable Carolyn Bennett, Federal Liberal Aboriginal Affairs Critic
Honourable Jean Crowder, NDP Aboriginal Affairs Critic
BC Métis Federation Board Members
BC Métis Federation Members

[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Letter-to-Provincial-and-Federal-Governments-August-10th-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF format[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/CVMN-Email-August-8th-2012-MNBC-Elections.pdf” style=”download”]CVMN Email August 8th, 2012 MNBC Elections[/ilink]

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