BC Métis Federation continues to advance our laws to protect the interests of our Métis children and families in our membership. This past week, the BC Métis Federation amended the Métis Child Protection Act and today we are pleased to share it with the public.
Recently, the Federal Government passed Bill C-92 which is a new federal piece of legislation recognizing the inherent rights of Indigenous communities and their representatives to control the provision of Indigenous (including Métis) children and family services.
BC Métis Federation has become engaged in a 12-month negotiations process to reach a final agreement in how these services will be designed.
As such, the leadership is pleased to share the latest legal framework we have designed to assert our jurisdiction.
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF.Family.Preservation.Act_.Amended.June_.26.2019-1-1.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to review the updated Act.[/ilink]