Métis Cultural Celebration at Fusion Festival in Surrey
(Surrey, BC) BC Metis Federation continued supporting Métis culture this past weekend at one of British Columbia’s largest multicultural festivals in Canada. The BC Métis Federation and partner community Nova Métis Heritage Association (Nova) partnered again to host the Mètis pavilion as part of the Fusion Festival with over 100,000 people attending the weekend event.
The Michif Historical and Cultural Preservation Society was another key partner and set up their historic Mètis trading post/museum supporting the Nova exhibit that provided information about our Métis culture and the Métis organization in Surrey. BC Mètis Federation supported Mètis music and dance with a performance from one of Canada’s premier Métis fiddlers JJ Lavallee on the fiddle supported by Rowan and Quinn Pickering jigging.
BC Mètis Federation President Henry stated, “This weekend provided Mètis culture and entertainment for thousands at our Mètis pavilion. There continues to be strong interest in Mètis culture and the entertainment we arranged was once again well received over the two days. It was especially great to see Nova President Ken Fisher lead the Fusion Festival with the Métis sign. In this day of changing legal and programming rights for the Métis, these public events become more important for British Columbians and Canadians.”
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded, “Thank you to our team; Sherry Daniels, JJ Lavallee, Derrick Whiteskycloud, Rowan Pickering, Quinn Pickering, Ken Fisher, and several of the Nova and BC Métis Federation board members. This coming month of August is going to be very powerful with three major Mètis music festivals; Terrace, McLeese Lake, and Prince George. We are proud to continue our strong support and sponsorship for Mètis culture and thanks to our volunteers who make it successful!”
For more information about the BC Métis Federation view our website at www.bcmetis.com.
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220 Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenrymetis
You can follow the BC Metis Federation on twitter @bcmetis
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-July-25th-2016-Metis-Culture-in-Surrey.pdf” style=”download”]To download this press release in PDF format, click here.[/ilink]