(Kamloops, BC) – The BC Métis Federation is updating members that White Buffalo Métis and Aboriginal Health Society successfully completed Métis and urban Aboriginal cultural event in spite of recent unfortunate developments in Kamloops to cancel one National Aboriginal Day celebration.
There are several partners to recognize that supported community for National Aboriginal Day – Day of Wellness Event June 22nd, 2015 in Kamloops:
- Rene Therrien – Vice President BC Metis Federation
- Ray Lesley – Clearwater Metis
- The Good Heart Drummers – Rick, Wolf, Charles, Gary & Paul
- Trevor Kempthorne – Aboriginal Agriculture Education Society of BC and the Students of the Dietary Aide Program who provided all the food preperations, cooking and serving for the event
- BC Metis Federations Organization Directors and Members
- Ray Jolicoeur – Kamloops This Week
- City of Kamloops Councillor Arjun Singh- (Arjun is a trained facilitator and is currently co-chair of the Canadian Community for Dialogue and Deliberation.)
“Thank you for doing this event for the community, after the bad press, we needed an event like this”
- Jessi Minnabarriet- Practice Lead Interior Health Authority
- Louise Richards-Executive Director and the Kamloops & District Elizabeth Fry Society
- Gaudenza Ramuno – Interior Health Street Outreach Nurses
- Kamloops Women’s Resource Group Society
- BC Problem Gambling – Roxanne
- Kamloops Community Volunteers who arrived to support serving and facilitating groups, we thank you!
- Kamloops Immigrant Services Society
- Kamloops Community Members, Children and Families
- Aboriginal Artisan Vendors
White Buffalo Aboriginal and Metis Health Society Staff team and Board of Directors for the continued dedication and support to our community, together we make our community a better place! Thank you!
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded; “Thank you to White Buffalo Executive Director Jeanie Cardinal for efforts and commitment to support this event in light of the serious challenges. This is leadership in her agency and community to look past other agenda’s and efforts. What is important is to enable the community to be proud of their culture and these events provide another important celebration. Excellent work!”
For more information about the BC Métis Federation also be sure to view our website at www.bcmetis.com.
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President BC Métis Federation #300-3665 KingswayYou can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter@keithhenrymetis
You can follow the BC Métis Federation on twitter @bcmetis
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-June-23rd-2015-Metis-Culture-in-Kamloops.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download a PDF version of this press release [/ilink]