Letter Sent to Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments earlier today
Members of Parliament (BC Region)
Members of the Legislative Assembly
Regional Districts
City Councils
Re: Métis Day of Remembrance – Louis Riel Day November 16th, 2012
Dear Levels of Government,
I am writing on behalf of the BC Métis Federation and our member communities to representatives of the Federal, Provincial, Regional, and Municipal governments in British Columbia in an effort to raise awareness and encourage participation November 16th in honour of an important Métis date.
There are a significant number of Métis people in British Columbia with approximately 60,000 spread throughout the province. There are various Métis community and provincial organizations with which Métis people have aligned to ensure Métis culture and history survives for future generations.
November 16th is a very important and symbolic date recognized by Métis people each year in honour of a great Métis leader Louis Riel who was wrongfully hanged by the government of Canada in 1885. Louis Riel was one of our foremost historic leaders who fought for the rights of Métis people as Canada came into existence. There are many more aspects to Métis culture but this date and Mr. Riel symbolize the struggle Métis have had and continue to have today.
Therefore the BC Métis Federation is pleased to provide an article entitled; “Louis Riel, A Métis Icon” in our effort to increase awareness about the Métis people of British Columbia and importance of honouring this date. The article was created by well known Métis historians and authors George and Terry Goulet who continue to educate non-Métis people about the accurate history of Louis Riel. BC Métis Federation encourages your respective offices to post this article in your offices, share with any communication processes, or fly a Métis flag on this date in honour of Métis history and culture.
There is still significant misunderstandings and an overall lack of awareness of Métis people in British Columbia. BC Métis Federation encourages any organization to view our website (www.bcmetis.com) to learn more about our history and current issues. BC Métis Federation also offers a variety of cultural workshops and resources to provide education and we welcome any request for such programming or materials.
We sincerely hope your offices will consider meaningful ways to honour and recognize Métis people this November 16th and we welcome future dialogue.
Thank you
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
cc BC Métis Federation Board
Statement of Cooperation Communities
Memorandum of Understanding Organizations
BC Métis Federation Members
Enclosure: Louis Riel, A Métis Icon
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Letter-Re-Louis-Riel-Day-November-16.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Louis-Riel-Day-Article-George-and-Terry-Goulet-November-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Louis Riel Day Article George and Terry Goulet November 2012[/ilink]