Mètis Days at Klahowya Village a Success

Vancouver, BC) The BC Mètis Federation has made Mètis cultural promotion and education a priority for the organization. The BC Mètis Federation continued this work over the Canada Day long weekend by hosting Mètis Days at the Klahowya Village located in beautiful Stanley Park, part of Vancouver, BC. This weekend BC Mètis Federation reached new levels in promoting Mètis awareness.

BC Mètis Federation arranged a number of activities to promote and celebrate Mètis culture. The Silver Tip Swingers and Buttertown Jiggers performed Mètis cultural dancing twice a day each day this past Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Additional Mètis cultural booths were added to the Klahowya Village over the weekend showcasing various Mètis artisan work. The Michif Historical and Preservation Society set up a mini Mètis museum. Well known author and Louis Riel historian David Doyle provided history of the Mètis twice each day to share information about history of Louis Riel. Finally BC Mètis Federation representatives organized a Mètis flag procession to accompany the Klahowya Village float in the Canada Day parade where the media has reported attendance was estimated at well over 100,000 viewers.

BC Métis Federation President Henry stated, “This was a successful weekend, no question about it. Thank you to our team of dedicated board members and organizations committed to working together to promote Mètis awareness to British Columbians, Canadians and international guests. Everyone did a great job!”

BC Mètis Federation President Henry further added, “There was such a positive feeling all weekend long. The highlight for me was the flag procession as part of the Canada Day parade, just to see that many people watch our BC Mètis Federation flag as well as the traditional blue and red Mètis flags made us all so proud. Our people should be proud to see this, regardless of political differences or affiliation. A special thank you our cultural ambassador Beverley Lambert who brought that Mètis spirit and energy as always! I also hope everyone realizes the BC Mètis Federation will continue to have our information booth open at Klahowya Village all summer long where you can get information or purchase a Mètis sash, pin, historical books, or Keeping it Riel t-shirts. We welcome anyone here to stop in and visit.

BC Mètis Federation President Henry concluded, “The BC Mètis Federation was proud to host Mètis Days and we hope everyone will consider attending the Fusion Festival in Surrey on July 21st and 22nd where the BC Mètis Federation will host a large Mètis display booth. We also hope every Mètis person and all of our friends will plan to attend the BC Mètis Federation and Kelly Lake Mètis Settlement Society weekend cultural event in Kelly Lake August 10th – 12th. These Mètis cultural celebrations are the key to our future success, putting our Mètis culture as a priority and helping us all to be proud again to be Mètis!”

Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com

You can follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-July-3rd-2012.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF format[/ilink]

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