This week BC Metis Federation is pleased to share a formal response by well known and respected Metis historians George and Terry Goulet in response to a recent Windspeaker article about the Metis flag.
Many Metis people were shocked to read well known Metis lawyer Jean Teillet’s interview suggesting that many of the stories about the creation of the Metis flag are wrong.
“Until somebody shows me evidence of it I will stand firmly on my line, which is don’t repeat that story. Just don’t repeat it and have some faith in your own people that they have the intelligence enough to come up with their own ideas…” — Jean Teillet
Let’s hope as a lawyer Jean Teillet reads the factual and academic resources that are publicly available and pointed out by George and Terry Goulet.
To review the July 29th article by Jean Teillet click here
To read the response by Metis historians George and Terry Goulet click here