BC Métis Federation is pleased to announce a groundbreaking traditional land-use study. The ten-month Métis community-led and community-based study will explore the long-standing relationships that Métis peoples have had with each other, with Canadian society, and with the land.
The Métis Terrestrial Reference Study is entitled, “The Metis Land and Life Project” which will explore how to recognize existing Métis practices along the TransMountain Pipeline Extension corridor and how to appropriately protect existing Métis harvesting and living patterns. The project’s goal is to better understand how we can know Métis relationships to the land.
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BC-Metis-Federation-Release-August-14th-2019-Metis-Land-Use-Project.pdf” style=”download”]To review the full press release click here.[/ilink]