BC Metis Federation and Cariboo Chilcotin Metis Association continue their work to co-host the Metis Music Festival August 9th – 11th and McLeese Lake which is only 20 minutes from Williams Lake.
A revised poster is now available as more music groups have been secured. The event provides camping options with an option to stay in Williams Lake for families who might prefer a hotel.
Be sure to make your plans today to attend this Metis event that will bring together Metis people from across the province.
Contact the CCMA office ~ 1 (250) 392 4428
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/CCMA-and-BCMF-Event-August-2013-Poster-FINAL.pdf” style=”download”]CCMA and BCMF Event August 2013 Poster FINAL[/ilink]