The following letter was sent to MNBC attention Bruce Dumont – President, Dave Hodson – Vice President, Bob Trumbley, Treasurer…
Dear Bruce, Dave, and Bob;
The BC Métis Federation writes today to demand your clarification to the financial situation at the Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC).
I have been informed since last Friday by MNBC funded students that recent student living allowances and tuitions funded by Service Canada have not been paid or released by MNBC. Specifically there is great concern regarding much needed living allowances that these individuals depend on to pay rent, food, etc. Please explain why and perhaps indulge Métis people in BC why MNBC did not take proactive steps if there are other issues you have yet to fully disclose to the Métis public.
BC Métis Federation understands MNBC is responsible for the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy (ASETS) program funds and we also believe MNBC has already been provided an advance for the proper delivery of this program. If the funds have already been provided, and we are confident they have been, why hasn’t MNBC paid the students their approved funds?
At this point BC Métis Federation is confident that there are other financial realities forcing a breaking point, a prediction we have tried to assist MNBC resolve during the Métis Nation Governing Assembly last February. Did the MNBC bank RBC take action? What is the status of ASETS funds and are they protected?
We expect an immediate response to clarify the situation for the hundreds of students MNBC mismanagement will affect. BC Métis Federation is taking calls from families and individuals who are facing this loss of student livening allowances and the matter will be brought more clearly to governments and the media shortly.
Once again the lack of MNBC transparency and communication showcased to all Métis people in BC. If this situation is immediately resolved each of you must resign. For the good of MNBC funded students and community leaders who have blindly supported MNBC, you must explain what is exactly going on.
Thank you,
Keith Henry
British Columbia Métis Federation
Suite 300-3665 Kingsway, Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2
BCMF Board of Directors
BCMF Members
Métis People of BC
MPs (British Columbia)
Rod Cunningham, Service Canada
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Letter-to-MNBC-November-7th-2011.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download this letter in PDF format.[/ilink]