BC Metis Federation has been credited with the recent public awareness support about the Michif Language project completed by Cowichan Valley Metis Association.
The Michif Language Learning Project was announced a few months ago and began with the concept that the younger you are the easier it is to learn language. Repetition is required and access to Michif speakers can be problematic in many communities. It was this lack of early learning resource that prompted Marilyn Bean and Jan Ovans of the Cowichan Valley Métis Association, to apply for a Canadian Heritage grant, to develop an early childhood Michif immersion project.
Congratulations to the Cowichan Valley Metis Association and the support team who produced this great Michif language tool.
[ilink url=”https://nationtalk.ca/story/featured-video-of-the-day-the-making-of-the-michif-language-project-cowichan-valley-metis-association/” style=”download”]Visit the Nationtalk Website Featured Video[/ilink]
[ilink url=”https://www.michiflanguage.ca” style=”download”]Visit the Cowichan Valley Michif Language Project Website[/ilink]
[ilink url=”https://www.facebook.com/pages/Michif-Language-Project/475041152553654″ style=”download”]Like the Michif Language Project Facebook Page[/ilink]