Offer of Cultural Support for RCMP

BC Metis Federation has sent a letter to RCMP senior commissioner Mr. Bob Paulson to support Metis cross cultural training of the officers.

Dear RCMP Commissioner Bob Paulson,

As President of the BC Metis Federation I am writing out of concern for what appears to be a consistent discord between the RCMP and Aboriginal people. The BC Métis Federation is a non-profit corporation that represents over 7300 Métis people in British Columbia. Our organization has been built on the hard work, dedication and personal financial investment of Métis people throughout this province.

While I hesitate to point any fingers I am concerned that there may be members of your force who may lack sensitivity to the Aboriginal way of life. The ongoing public media and numerous issues concerning Aboriginal people have been discussed by a number of our leaders. The recent calls for more investigation into missing and murdered Aboriginal women, which included Métis, continues to be a great concern to many in our community.

Therefore members of the BC Métis Federation leadership would like to meet with you to open dialogue concerning participation in sensitivity training of your members to provide a perspective on the Métis way of life.

The BC Métis Federation created a cross cultural workshop entitled Mètis Connect. Our workshop outline would focus on Métis culture, a review of Métis cultural history and political history, images of the Métis and contemporary encounters complete with practical and creative bridge building strategies.

We feel that the sessions would go a long way to develop the mutual respect necessary present and future relationships. Thank you in advance for your future response and consideration of our recommendation. For more information about the Métis Connect program please go to:
[ilink url=”[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Information on Metis Connect Program[/ilink]

Please feel free to contact me by email ( or phone (604-638-7220) to schedule a future meeting and discussion.

Thank you
Keith Henry
cc BC Métis Federation Board
BC Métis Federation Members

[ilink url=”[ilink url=”” style=”download”]BCMF Letter to RCMP May 27th, 2014[/ilink]

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