Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Approved

BC Métis Federation wants to update members that the proposed TransCanada Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline project was issued an environmental certificate.

TransCanada, and their PRGT project team, engaged with BC Métis Federation and Aboriginal groups and stakeholders on the progress of the Prince Rupert Gas Transmission Project.  On Tuesday, November 25, 2014, the Minister of Environment and Minister of Natural Gas Development issued an Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) to PRGT.

This important milestone for the Project comes as a result of thousands of hours of fieldwork analysis, technical studies and ongoing consultation with local stakeholders and Aboriginal groups to ensure our environmental footprint is as small as possible.

In alignment with the Environmental Assessment process, PRGT participated in working group meetings, open houses, one-on-one and local government meetings, addressed thousands of written questions submitted by those with an interest in our proposed routing, and proposed a number of important route changes to avoid or decrease potential adverse effects, based on feedback and input from Aboriginal groups and the technical working group.

PRGT’s full Environmental Assessment application can be viewed at The BC EAO has posted a factsheet on PRGT’s EAC, which can be found at

BC Métis Federation encourages members to contact PRGT with any questions you may have. They can be reached by email at or by phone at 1-855-253-0099.

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