(Vancouver, BC) – BC Métis Federation continues to advocate and address policy and socio-economic issues on behalf of members and partners throughout BC. In August the Province of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Health (MoH), posted a notification that a contract was going to be awarded to the Métis Provincial Council of British Columbia (MPCBC and also known as Métis Nation British Columbia).
The contract was under the Province of British Columbia public posting NOIHL245 and was to provide MPCBC $200,000.00 in this fiscal year to support engagement with MoH to address policy and health programs on behalf of the Métis population in BC. BC Métis Federation issued an immediate opposition notice and submitted information to dispute the NOIHL245 because MPCBC does not speak for the programming or policy needs for members of the BC Métis Federation.
BC Métis Federation is pleased to report that the MoH has decided this week not to proceed with the NOIHL245 and has issued this response:
“After reviewing your letter, outlining your opposition to the recent NOI, we will be moving to take the services request to RFP. The Request for Proposal will be posted as soon as possible, and I will inform you when that has occurred.
I look forward to your response.
Be well,
Dr. Shannon M. McDonald
Executive Director – Aboriginal Health Directorate
Ministry of Health
PO BOX 9646
Victoria BC V8W 9P1”
BC Métis Federation President Henry stated, “I am pleased to see the Province of British Columbia and the Ministry of Health officials reconsider this process. It is important that Métis policy, especially as it relates to health outcomes, work is reflective of actual needs for Métis members and communities. We have a strong team and have increased capacity to ensure policy input that will support the Province achieve better Métis health outcomes.”
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded, “This situation provides an opportunity and potentially a new relationship with the Provincial Government. Most importantly we see policy officials reviewing who actually represents Métis people effectively in BC. Organizations such as MPCBC must not be allowed to continue stating they represent all Métis in BC. BC Métis Federation has built effective communications and governance and our positive wok will ultimately make a difference for Métis people. We look forward to submitting a proposal to the Ministry of Health to ensure future health policy engagement.”
To review the BC Métis Federation opposition statement go to bhttps://bcmetis.com/2015/08/bc-metis-federation-opposition-notice-of-intent-to-contract-noi-noihl245/
For more information about the BC Métis Federation view our website at www.bcmetis.com.
Media Inquiries:
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter@keithhenrymetis
You can follow the BC Métis Federation on twitter @bcmetis
[ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-August-28th-2015-Province-Reviews-Health-Policy-Engagement-in-BC.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download a PDF version of this press release[/ilink]