Please be advised that effective immediately that as Métis citizen in good standing under citizenship #05200080 of the Métis Nation British Columbia I formally resign my current citizenship, and that of my family, association and any future participation with Métis Nation British Columbia, it representatives and agents.
As per Article Five of the MNBC Citizenship Act – VOLUNTARY REMOVAL FROM REGISTRY
5.0 A Métis Citizen may, at any time, voluntarily remove himself or herself from the Registry;
5.1 The Registrar shall remove a Métis Citizen who, by written request, declares that he or she no longer wishes to be registered as a Métis Citizen;
Therefore this letter and attached information serves as my official notification of my demand for our “Voluntary Removal From Registry” in accordance with the MNBC Citizenship Act. Our family does not recognize MNBC has neither legitimate authority nor right to purport to represent my interests as a legitimate Section 35 Métis person. Therefore please remove us from any current proposals to either the Federal or Provincial Government wherein MNBC uses to identified needs and benefits through delivering programs and services.
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/june-21st-2011-mnbc-termination-letter-1.pdf” style=”download”]June 21st, 2011 MNBC Termination Letter (1)[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/scan-for-keith-ciaran-and-drake.pdf” style=”download”]MNBC card Scan for Keith, Ciaran and Drake[/ilink]