Recently Released MNBC Financial Statements to be Dissected Live on Coffee Talk Broadcast

Don’t miss tomorrow night’s Coffee Talk broadcast! BCMF President Keith Henry will be joined by BCMF Financial Advisor Sandy Aird and they will be providing an analysis of the long awaited financial statements that were recently released by MNBC. Sandy is a Chartered Accountant and he and Keith will be explaining exactly what these documents reveal about the financial health of MNBC. There’s more than meets the eye and this should prove to be the most interesting Coffee Talk broadcast to date!

It is important to note that the MNBC Financial Statements were signed off on July 28 but were only released to the Métis people of BC on August 30 and only after MNBC was pressured by the media to release the documents.

The Coffee Talk broadcast will be live at 7:30pm tomorrow night – Thursday, September 1st. You can watch it live on this website. Please share the link with friends and family:


[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/mpcbc_audit2010-2011.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the MNBC Financial Statements.[/ilink]


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