BC Metis Federation is disappointed with the ongoing Senate scandal that reached another milestone yesterday with the release of the latest audit for Senate Pamela Wallin. It is interesting to note the public outrage, which we agree with, over the issue of approximate $121,000.00 deemed ineligible as Senate expenses. The internal Senate committee has referred the matter to the RCMP now.
The contradictions in how the Senate situation is being addressed in relation to organizations such as MNBC is startling. For example, in 2009-2010 MNBC overspent by $1 million, mostly on administration, and the board was cashing cheques the MNBC did not have funds for. Despite repeated efforts for the RCMP to investigate the matter was ignored. This has been one of the most significant reasons the MNBC is current insolvent today and continuing to implode.
[ilink url=”https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/story/2013/08/13/pol-wallin-audit-release-senate-report.html” style=”download”]Read the CBC Report Released Today[/ilink]