(Ottawa, Ontario) The Supreme Court of Canada ruled 6-2 in a major court case brought forward by the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF). The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled in favour of Métis people regarding the issuance of lands designated for Métis children under Section 31 of the Manitoba Act of 1870 today as follows:
The appeal from the judgment of the Court of Appeal of Manitoba, Number AI08-30-06872, 2010 MBCA 71, dated July 7, 2010, heard on December 13, 2011, is allowed in part. It is declared that the federal Crown failed to implement the land grant provision set out in s. 31 of the Manitoba Act, 1870, S.C. 1870, c. 3, in accordance with the honour of the Crown. The appellants are awarded their costs throughout.
BC Metis Federation President Henry stated; “This is a major victory and will be thoroughly reviewed before further comment. Many Métis families across Canada are connected to the historic lands of the Red River in Manitoba and to have the highest court in the lands rule that the Federal Government failed to implement the land grants is known to many of us. The decision will have to be fully reviewed to better understand the future impacts but clearly this is a major victory and will open the Federal Government up to future Métis land claims. Many of us Métis know today that the Federal Government continues to fail our people and this is another court ruling support Métis rights.”
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For more information about the BC Mètis Federation please review our website www.bcmetis.com.
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
You can follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/BCMF-Press-Release-March-8th-2013-Supreme-Court-Victory-2.pdf” style=”download”]Download this Letter in PDF format[/ilink]
[ilink url=”/wp-content/uploads/Metis_CourtCase-082013.pdf” style=”download”]Download Court Case Docket Manitoba Metis Federation v. Canada[/ilink]