Understanding Daniels – Legal Analysis by Christopher Devlin, MFC Legal Counsel

The BC Métis Federation is pleased to share the legal opinion of the Métis Federation of Canada (MFC). The MFC was one of the approved intervenors in the Daniels Case and their lawyer argued directly at the Supreme Court of Canada in the case. Their lawyer, Christopher Devlin, brings forward insightful opinions.

This letter provides much more relevant clarification for Métis across Canada and opens up significant new realities that Métis people and the Government of Canada will face going into the future.

There are major political and program challenges, as the Government of Canada will have to revisit who they are engaging with and who are the Métis that qualify under Federal Government programs and services.

  • [ilink url=”https://bcmetis.com/wp-content/uploads/UnderstandingDaniels-fbpages.pdf” style=”download”]Click here to download the full document in PDF format.[/ilink]
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