(Gibsons, BC) BC Metis Federation continued work with partner community organizations throughout British Columbia. Yesterday BC Métis Federation assisted the Vancouver Métis Citizens Society (VMCS) and their board by attending and providing a report on key items at a meeting with the leadership in Gibsons.
VMCS represents a number of Métis members in the Vancouver area. VMCS has been a Métis community organization since 2006. The VMCS organization represents the interests and concerns of over 700 members.
BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry stated; “The meeting was productive. The leadership established a date for their VMCS Annual General Meeting that will be held June 14th in Vancouver at the BC Métis Federation office. BC Métis Federation also updated on key issues including the upcoming Industry Forum starting May 9th in Richmond, reminder about the business directory, update on the current human rights complaint, issues facing the Métis National Council/Métis Nation British Columbia, plus many local issues such as education, child and family services, etc.”
BC Métis Federation Vice President Daryl Piper added; “The conversation also stressed the importance of protocol. As leaders we need to ensure governments, industry, and service delivery organizations respect the rightful place of our Métis community leaders. There is so much undermining of the importance of our community leaders such as VMCS and we have to fight and strive to ensure protocol is respected to build the capacity of the Métis community organizations.”
BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded, “The recent shooting in Nanaimo affected VMCS President Ron Paradis as one of the victims was his cousin. In honour, respect and support for Ron and the family BC Métis Federation is asking Métis people attending the upcoming Industry Forum and across the country to wear a red shirt this Saturday, May 10th. The victim wore a red shirt each day and VMCS President Paradis requested this symbolic support. The BC Métis Federation will lead by example and show our support next Saturday which coincides with the date of the funeral. It was a powerful meeting and thank you Ron and the rest of the VMCS board for the leadership together with the BC Métis Federation.”
For more information about BC Métis Federation check out the website @ www.bcmetis.com.
For more information about the Vancouver Métis Citizenship Society go to https://www.vmcs.ca/.
Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220
Cell 1-778-388-5013
Email k.henry@bcmetis.com
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
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