When Will Proper Métis Governance be Addressed in BC?

BC Métis Federation has been long calling for true Métis public accountability, inclusion and governance reform. Despite this both the Provincial and Federal Governments continue a one window approach to fund Métis representation with Métis Nation BC (MNBC).

According to their own audited financial statements one has to questions how this can continue. Here are some quick facts:

  1. MNBC carries an accumulated deficit of over $2.7 million as of March 31st, 2017.
  2. MNBC auditors Manning Elliot for the 6th year in a row have stresses the Emphasis of Matter on the cover letter, which essentially states the major risk that MNBC may not continue.
  3. MNBC is also carrying long term debt payments to cover organizational losses in past years as per note 8. There is over $1.9 million left to pay which means $15,000/month plus lump payments every three years of an additional $260,000.00.

There is no stated debt recovery plan and the Federal and Provincial Governments remain supporting programs to offset millions lost. This past year MNBC is stating a small surplus but it is unclear how and that fact is they remain millions in debt and are redirecting funding for projects to pay these losses.

This seems totally absurd and MNBC is treating this society, as they have in the past, as a for profit corporation.

BC Métis Federation brought this issue to light many times but governments continue to act complacent while there is no real results for the Métis communities or people they serve.

This is not the essence of UNDRIP or proper Métis governance.

Click here to view MNBC Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2017.

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