Why Metis People in BC Should be Concerned About Proposed Northern Gateway – Enbridge Fined $3.7 Million for Michigan Spill

The BC Metis Federation is sharing the latest information for all Metis people about the issues confronting the Enbridge and their proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines Project. We know after months of community consultation that Metis people oppose this project for a variety of reasons. One of the major reasons Metis people have opposed this project is trust about whether the proposed Northern Gateway pipelines can be built safely and not impact the pristine British Columbia landscape, home to many of the Metis people.

An article in the Detroit Free Press released July 2nd, 2012 (yesterday) reinforces concerns express by the majority voice of Metis people in BC about the safety and abilities of Enbridge to operate the propose Northern Gateway without spills. Canada based Enbridge operates several pipelines and one of these lines had a major spill in July of 2010 in Michigan and the fine and facts in how Enbridge handled their spill response provides many reasons why Metis people have justifiable concern with about the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines project.

The BC Metis Federation continues to urge people to share this information and get further informed.


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