Year End Financial Position March 31st, 2017 – Continued Strength

The BC Métis Federation is releasing the April 1st, 2016 – March 31st, 2017 unaudited financial information for activities during this past fiscal year. The BC Métis Federation has operated as a non-profit corporation and this past fiscal year, defined as April 1st – March 31st, marks the completion of the 6th year.

BC Métis Federation continues to manage within approved budgets and is the only solvent Métis provincial representative organization in British Columbia. The organization has maintained cultural investments, consultation activities, and various other important initiatives on behalf of the thousands of members.

BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry stated; “I am proud to release this financial information and provide full disclosure and transparency for our members and the public. Our organization has demonstrated commitments to responsible financial management, balanced budgets and full public transparency. This past year we completed the new youth project and there is growing recognition by the Government of Canada and industry as proven through increased consultation office agreements.”

BC Métis Federation President Henry added; “The completed 2016-2017 audited financial statements will be ready by June along with a comprehensive written annual report to provide important summaries.”

BC Métis Federation President Henry concluded; “Thank you to our Treasurer Betty Fisher and all team members for the ongoing commitment to professionalism and proper financial management. The commitment to operate responsibly is obvious with a balanced budget and reinvesting approximately $5,000.00 of retained earnings to support needs this past fiscal year. We achieved significant projects and our communications are the best of any Métis organization in Canada. The future will continue to demonstrate growth as we increase confidence in how the organization conducts business. We believe this is also why members continue to sign up each month.”


Media Inquiries:
Keith Henry, President
BC Métis Federation
#300-3665 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5R 5W2
Office 1-604-638-7220 Cell 1-778-388-5013
You can now follow BC Métis Federation President Keith Henry on twitter @keithhenryMetis
You can follow BC Métis Federation on twitter @BCMétis

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to read the full release, as a downloadable PDF[/ilink]

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to view the BCMF Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2017[/ilink]

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to view the BCMF Statement of Cash Flows, April 2016 through March 2017[/ilink]

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Click here to view the BCMF Profit & Loss, April 2016 through March 2017[/ilink]

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