BCMF is currently consulting with TC Energy on several potential pipeline projects. As part of TC Energy’s duty to consult, BCMF has participated in Traditional Knowledge Studies to determine whether there are any objections to the proposed pipeline routes, whether there is a perceived potential impact on the land that would affect how Métis people are currently using the land, or whether there would be any potential long-term threats to the environment that we would object to.
Virtual Community Meetings
As part of the research phase of these Traditional Knowledge Studies, BCMF hosts Virtual Community Meetings (due to the COVID-19 pandemic) to determine which of our members in the proposed areas are active on the land and would be considered Knowledge Keepers. Knowledge Keepers hold a very special role in our community as they maintain traditional or cultural practices, such as harvesting, hunting, traplines, traditional plant knowledge, medicine gathering, etc.
Map reviews
Once these Knowledge Keepers are identified and interested in participating, we conduct a “map review.” During a map review, we get together and look over the entire proposed route so that our Knowledge Keepers have a detailed understanding of it before going out onto the land to inspect the region. Typically, these are done in person, with stories and a meal shared. Unfortunately, due to COVID restrictions, we had to hold them virtually.
Research and Recommendations
Our Knowledge Keepers then go out onto the land, begin their research, and highlight any areas of concern. Our Traditional Knowledge Studies Program Coordinator oversees all of this and then compiles the research into a report, complete with recommendations.
The project guides and final reports for the proposed Groundbirch, ELKO and YAHK projects are below.