ADHD in Children & Youth Workshop

As a part of its Child, Youth & Family Programming, the BC Métis Federation is hosting an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Workshop on Thursday, December 12th, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.

This virtual workshop will feature an overview of ADHD in children and youth. It will talk about the signs and behaviours in children and youth with ADHD, as well as best parenting practices and how to support your child and youth in the school system. This workshop will be held on Zoom and will feature two guest moms who have both had children and youth with ADHD, and they will be sharing their experiences with teachers in the school system and how they advocated for their children.

This event is being led by Lisa Armstrong, BCMF Director of Child, Youth, & Family. Watch for more events that are a part of the BC Métis Federation’s online Child, Family, & Youth Department.

Registration Information

Everyone is welcome. If you plan to participate, please contact Danielle Desjarlais via email at to register. After you register, you will be provided with the Zoom link.


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