PRMCA Cultural Awareness Seminar

Click here to download the event poster as a PDF.

Join the Peace Region Métis Community Association (PRMCA) on Tuesday, February 18th, for their Cultural Awareness Seminar in Fort St. John! This educational event will be held at Bizzybody Enterprises (10256 101 Avenue) and will run from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Many professionals, including medical staff, diplomats, teachers, and business professionals, find that cultural awareness positively influences their ability to perform their duties. This workshop will teach attendees what cultural awareness is and how being mindful of cultural diversity can allow people to be more respectful of others.

This event is free for all BCMF and PRMCA members and is $100 for non-members.


For more information on this event or if you plan on attending, please RSVP by email to

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