As part of BCMF’s Child, Youth, & Family Fall Online Series, the BC Métis Federation hosted three discussions about keeping children and youth safe from online predators.
Staying Safe Discussion: What is Youth Sexual Exploitation?
“What is Youth Sexual Exploitation” was the first of the three virtual discussions.
In this discussion, what “sexual exploitation” means was reviewed, as well as how technological advances over the past 15-20 years have led to an increase in sexual exploitation charges. This discussion also helped identify which risk factors make children and youth vulnerable to sexual exploitation and what the impacts of sexual exploitation are.
Click here to download the workshop PowerPoint as a PDF.
Staying Safe: What is Child Luring?
In this second discussion, online grooming and sexual luring, as well as online sexting and sextortion were covered. This conversation helped participants recognize the red flags and warning signs of child luring, and help to keep the children and youth in their lives safe online.
Click here to download the workshop PowerPoint as a PDF.
Staying Safe: How to Keep Our Children Safe
In this third discussion, how to keep our children safe online was discussed. In this conversation, statistics on online child and youth safety were shared along with resources on what to look out for and who to contact if you suspect your child is being sexually exploited online.