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Land and Sea Cleanups

2025 Shoreline Cleanups are to be announced in the spring

Through the BCMF Conservation Department’s Land & Sea Cleanups initiative, individuals who are passionate about preserving and protecting the environment are brought together. Cleanup events are organized in various coastal and aquatic areas, actively involving local communities in the efforts. This initiative hopes to make a tangible difference in restoring the cleanliness and health of these areas.

2024 Shore Cleanups

the 2024 shoreline cleanups, named “Sweep the Shores”, proved to be a resounding success. Hundreds of volunteers attended the events, garnering attention from media outlets keen to highlight the positive efforts of the community. Global News and CBC News provided coverage on some of the events, amplifying its reach and inspiring others to take action in their own communities.

The BCMF Conservation team hosted six “Sweeping the Shores” events throughout 2024:


2023 Shoreline Cleanups

The BCMF Conservation team hosted five beach clean-up events throughout 2023:

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