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Online Membership Renewal

Important! This renewal form is for BCMF members only.

Before renewing, please ensure that you are a current BC Métis Federation member. BCMF member numbers are nine digits long and start with "20". BCMF member cards display the BCMF logo. Two sets of three downward facing chevrons

The online membership renewal process is very simple—just complete the form below and submit your renewal fee (mail in a cheque or pay online). You will need to have your BCMF member number handy as well as a recent passport-quality photo that you can upload. You will also need this information for any additional family members you are renewing.

BCMF Membership Fees

  • Children (under 18) – free
  • Adults (18 and over)– $30
  • Elders (65 and over) – $25
  • Veterans – $25

Need Assistance?

For more information, please contact: 1-604-638-7220 or

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